Thanks for Donating


Together, we can change lives.

This is Isabella, a juvenile swan that was rescued by SkyWatch from a local pond.  After receiving calls about a swan “acting weird” SkyWatch located and rescued Isabella and found her to be starving and in a terrible, near-death condition.  Isabella’s beak had been tightly wrapped in fishing line for a very long time and was severely damaged.  The line constricted Isabella’s entire beak, binding her tongue and bottom mandible, to the point that her tongue had been cut nearly clean off and her bottom beak was so severely cut that it had to be taped to prevent complete detachment.

Having lived with this line cutting into her beak for a long time, Isabella is unable to feed herself.  She is severely underweight and is being tube fed daily.  Isabella is a young swan and deserves the chance to live a life without pain and misery.

Please know that 100% of your donation will go towards helping us pay for the treatment she and our other rescues need to have a chance at life.

Thank you.

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